Arch Point Training At Its Best

At ArchPoint Service Ltd, we pride ourselves on our reputation for delivering exceptional training tailored to our clients' needs. With expertise in managing events of all sizes, we ensure flawless execution. As experts, we meet client needs with exceptional service and training solutions.

SIA Door Supervisor

We prepare our candidates for the role of a door supervisor in our SIA Licence training class. In the UK, individuals must acquire door supervisor training and hold a valid SIA license to legally perform the duties of a Door Supervisor as it is against the law to work in front-line roles without this essential license.  Our SIA Door Supervisor training is a four-day training program that requires passing four tests, and practical assessments, and a license-linked certificate known as the Level 2 Award in Door Supervision will be issued upon successful completion.

CCTV Training

At ArchPoint Service Ltd, we train our candidates who aspire to work in the Open Space Surveillance Industry. To become a certified Public Space Surveillance (PSS) operator, It is essential to undergo professional training and become licensed as organizations undertaking PSS CCTV surveillance are required by SIA to ensure a minimum of 85% of the operators hold a valid license at all times while the remaining percentage can have their application as in progress. Our CCTV training is held in a relaxed, fascinating classroom with hi-tech practical apparatus in the control room.

Close Protection Training

In order to become a skilled close protection officer, completing the close protection training is an absolute necessity. Our training is designed according to the SIA Specification for Learning and Qualifications for Close Protection Operatives and Conflict Management, ensuring that learners are equipped with all the necessary skills and knowledge required for the job. Upon successful completion of the qualification, applicants are eligible to apply for a Close Protection SIA licence, which opens numerous opportunities in the industry. With our comprehensive training under your belt, you can confidently step into the role of a close protection officer and perform your duties with utmost professionalism and expertise.

Door Supervisor Top-Up Training

As a door supervisor, upskilling is crucial to ensure the safety of customers. We offer a refresher training class in order to keep you updated with the most current legislation and informed best work practice. Our Door Supervisor Top-Up training is highly recommended for anyone who is currently employed as a Door Supervisor and needs to renew their license.

First Aid Level 3

At ArchPoint Service Ltd, we train our candidates who aspire to work as First Aiders.

First Aid Course is compulsory if you want to work as a Security Officer. The foremost objective of first aid is to save lives, prevent further harm, and encourage healing. This can encompass performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) until medical experts arrive or rendering extensive care for minor illnesses, such as applying a cast after surgery.

Emergency First Aid Training

The First Aid course is structured to teach our students the necessary skills to provide initial assistance to an injured person in the absence of professional medical care. The course comprehensively covers various first-aid situations including CPR, blood control, shock, and more. The curriculum confidently encompasses accidents and illnesses, the use of first aid, basic calculations, treatment of unconscious injuries, heart attacks, suffocation, bleeding, burns and scalds, poisoning, fractures, convulsions, asthma, severe allergic reactions, eye injuries, low blood sugar, and fainting, etc.

Emergency First Aid is a 1-Day Course.

Door Supervisor Top-Up Training

Are you considering joining the construction industry, the first step is to enrol in the Green CSCS Workforce Card training course. This card is an essential requirement for all responsible personnel, clients, and contractors working in the UK construction industry. It ensures that every individual working on a construction site has received fundamental occupational health and safety training. We provide comprehensive training and support to help you feel comfortable and confident before taking your test or participating in any exercises. We recommend that our clients review the occupational health, safety, and environmental testing book written by experts before attempting the test.

NVQ Level 2 to 7

We Offer NVQ Levels from Level 2 to 7. In order to impress potential employers, it is crucial to exhibit your capability to perform work at a high level on site, all while prioritizing the health, safety, and welfare of others. This serves as a demonstration of your utmost skills and professionalism in the field.

Cleaning Services

ArchPoint Service Ltd is a highly recommended option.

For those seeking to use our services of a professional cleaning company, for office, warehouse and house cleaning. Our team of cleaners are comprised of experienced, reliable professionals who are dedicated to ensuring complete customer satisfaction. We take our cleaning duties seriously and require that all our cleaners undergo rigorous training, DBS checked and certification.

In addition, our team is well-versed in PPE, health and safety guidelines, and COSHH requirements. Our cleaners present themselves in a professional manner, arriving in uniform, and adhere to the highest standards of cleanliness.

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